Our ePackage® Energy Efficiency program can, at your option, let each of your customers compare their own electricity usage each month to a statistically significant peer group of customers in your service area who live in houses of similar size and age. This option requires a one-time setup fee to cover the cost of gathering and entering house size and year-built data from county property tax records (in order to construct statistically comparable peer groups) into our databases.
This peer-group comparison option has been third-party proven to be effective in driving energy efficiency. NeonLink’s electronic billing statements, with the you-versus-the-peer-group energy comparisons, have been able to reduce the average energy usage of consumers by 1.5% to 2.0% when compared to a typical utility bill. Usually these savings can be achieved for less than $0.04 per kWh. This may be an important factor if you need to reduce your purchased power or generating costs, or meet internal or externally-mandated energy conservation goals for your utility.